Friday, November 2, 2007

Dolls for Boys? Absolutely!

Sadly, most boys in our culture are not given the opportunity to play with dolls because frankly many people believe, inacurately, that doll play encourages femininity. Additionally, the vast majority of dolls are designed specifically for girls - dressed in pink, frills, et all, and rarely designed as a uni-sex or male-specific toy which doesn't encourage many parents from purchasing for fear of their child being teased.

When my first son was born I purchased a “My Buddy” doll. It happened to come out the same year he was born (1985) and coincidently as he grew up looked quite like him.

He loved that doll and it did become his buddy. As an infant it was a tumble toy, pillow, and sleeping friend. As a toddler he learned parenting behaviors like feeding him pretend food, putting him to bed, dressing him, etc. All of this was at about the same time my second son was born. Using the Buddy Doll we were able to teach my son that babies are to be handled gently, spoken to softly, and treated with respect.

My son is now 23 and a kind, gentle young man. Did he play with traditional boy toys? You bet. He also played High School rugby and football. Will he make a great father and husband? We think so. In an age full of self-help and relationship books and TV talk shows full of women complaining their spouses don’t communicate enough; our son is a compassionate soul who understands communication and caring. Was it all because of one doll? Probably not, but learning at a very early age how to care for others and look outside of oneself to other’s needs, is always a good lesson and one that is missed quite often in the machismo-filled little boy world.

That Buddy Doll is one of a handful of treasures my son has tucked away in a box in the attic. He’s missing a shoe and is well loved. I have to think he’s being saved for his own child, but I don’t dare ask. I’m just glad he kept him as it reaffirms our decision to go against the “norm” all those years ago.

Consider adding a doll, doll house, or other like imaginative play toy to your son’s toy repertoire.

Connie Ott
My Jewel Boutique
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